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Newfield Terrace Community Action Organization was formally organized on July 25th, 1977 by a group of concerned citizens. They had just completed their 2nd year of food service and recreation programs sponsored by S.C.O.P.E, for children in the community.


Everyone agreed that we should continue, and to do more to keep our community together. Mr. Robert Jones said, "we should organize into a community organization." He began talking to neighbors and they agreed. We decided on that night to have the meeting and flyers were made. Bob distributed them and we held our first meeting at Truth Baptist Church.


At this meeting, we elected officers: Cleo Jones, President; Elizabeth Brown, Vice President; Jennie Walker, Secretary; Laura Brown, Asst. Sec.; and Virginia Arthur, Treasurer. All members of the community were invited to become members of the organization, and Committees were formed. With the help of Mrs. Marion Petway and Mrs. Beatrice Corbin, we became incorporated in 1979. Committeewoman, Linda Green was liason for N.T.C.A.O.


Truth Baptist Church, under the leadership of Rev. Walter Jones, allowed classes and meetings to be held at the church. With the assistance of Bob Broughton, County Director of Community Affairs at the time, we solicited help from the Franklin Township Committee. We began to work with Business Administrator Albert Manton and Robert Broughton. Our aim was to foster community improvements and awareness in the community.


Some of the activities sponsored by the organization were: an annual Neighborhood Cleanup involving our local Township Sanitation Department; visited senior citizens; started a Community Watch Program; distributed U.S.D.A commodities monthly; an created a tutoring program for school age children supported by volunteers that sponsored recreational trips. 


Our long range goal was to establish a Community Center to provide services for everyone. We began to network with other organizations to provide Pre-School, Day Care and Senior's Programs and informational services for community growth.


In 1982, an application to the Community Development Block Grant Program for funds to build a community center was approved. From this award, there were monies provided for the construction and for the rehabilitate houses ate the Newfield Terrace section of Franklin Township. After years of waiting and planning, the Newfield Terrace Community Center was completed and dedicated on January 19th 1991.


The After School and tutoring programs continue to serve students in the community. The program has had several dedicated individuals, to include certified teachers and blue and white collar professionals to volunteer their services as tutors. In 1999 a computer lab was established with donated computers from Delsea Regional High School and McGuire Airforce Base and ECP Machines donating our first internet capable computer.


Over the years, we have received multiple County and Business grants from institutions devoted giving back to the community. NTCAO sponsors and annual Scholarship Breakfast to honor mothers. The proceeds benefit Scholarship programs for high school graduates in the Newfield Terrace and surrounding areas who are continuing their education.


A playground and basketball court was installed by Franklin Township, with a grant through Consumer Affairs. The Police Department sponsored Town Watch meeting at the center where the community was invited to get involved.


The Youth Department has sponsored many activities, recreation, entertainment, lock-ins, educational and fun trips, training programs, drug abuse seminars and singleparent and teenage pregnancy seminars. The center has been a place for many activities outside of the youth department as well. Aerobics for health fitness, meetings for seniors, hall rentals, Town watch meetings, and programs for the Vegan Society are held at the Community center.

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